Fluent in 3 months:
Tips and techniques to help you learn any language
By Benny Lewis
Published by Collins Learning
Benny Lewis has been described as a tech-nomad, an e-entrepreneur, a language hacker, and a digitally fuelled globetrotter… In his book, Fluent in 3 Months, Benny shows how anyone anywhere can learn any language without leaving their home, using a simple toolkit and by harnessing the power of the Internet.
The challenge
Like many of the books I promote, this was the author’s first work in a very competitive field, that of language-learning.
The solution
I had to find a wealth of original and thoughtful media angles – spanning many arenas from technology to lifestyle – leading journalists to stop short in their busy tracks and listen.
The result
Quite a few journalists did stop in their tracks… The Metro daily free newspaper (circ. 1,348,000) ran a long story about Benny and his book, magazines such as High Life (BA Inflight, circ. 195,000), Wanderlust (circ. 37,500), Stuff (circ. 62,000), E&T (Engineering & Technology magazine, circ. 141K worldwide) and Sainsbury’s magazine (circ. 227,000), all covered the book/ interviewed the author.
Moreover, Benny was interviewed by many leading broadcast programmes including: Midweek (BBC Radio 4), The Saturday Show (BBC Radio 5), Outlook (BBC World Service), and Bloomberg News TV…