Be a Better Boss:
Learn to build great teams and lead any organisation to success
By Henry Engelhardt
Published by whitefox
Henry Engelhardt, founder and former CEO of Admiral Group plc, believes that ‘being a good boss is not only good for all those around you, but organizations will get better results as well’. In his new book, Be a Better Boss: Learn to build great teams and lead any organization to success, he backs this up with decades of experience and results, having taken Admiral from a standing start to a value of @£10 billion in less than 30 years.
Henry is on a mission to improve leadership and management in all organizations: from multinationals to start-ups; from private companies to the public sector. ‘If people like what they do, they’ll do it better’, is one of the many maxims informing his vision. This might sound obvious, but if this is the case, why are there so many disenchanted employees? The book provides proven strategies to turn these seemingly simple principles into management practice.
The challenge
Even though the author is a successful businessman, there are many management books written by well-known entrepreneurs (some of them more household names than Henry Engelhardt). Moreover, every year there are tens of published books (!!!) purporting to be the answer to how to become a great leader!
The solution
Consider Henry Engelhardt’s professional life from its very beginning; he’s a self-made man, coming from abroad (the USA) who had to overcome some significant hurdles before setting up his insurance business (he went through two aggressive lawsuits). Also, focus on Henry’s personality informing his successful management approach (Admiral was consistently listed in the Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For). In addition, since Henry made his home in Wales, make the most of the local media too.
The result
The media’s response exceeded all expectations: The Sunday Times newspaper did a long interview with Henry, the FT reviewed the book, and leading Welsh daily, Western Mail, published a long piece. BBC flagship financial & business programme, Wake Up to Money (BBC R5 Live) invited Henry on the programme as its lead guest, and BBC R4 popular programme, ‘Any Questions?’, invited him as one of its key specialists. Podcasts ‘Secret Leaders’ and Walescast (BBC Wales) both interviewed him. Business Leader and BusinessBecause were among the management media covering the book (Management Today and daily ‘City AM’ interviewed him later on). Insurance Post, the leading industry magazine, did a long interview with Henry and invited him to speak at an event.
After the campaign, Henry retained me for an additional year as his personal publicist and I organised an event at the Hay Literary Festival where he was interviewed by Management Today.
“Martha starts by understanding what you want and what you’re willing to give to get it and then she works tirelessly on your behalf to make things happen. Without a doubt, Martha is the best PR person I’ve ever worked with.”
Henry Engelhardt, founder and CEO Emeritus, The Admiral Group